Rain did not dampen the spirits of the octet as we raced down Seranggoon Road and across its side lanes on the lookout for the stations (some of us sheltered by $1 umbrellas) that had been pre-determined for the Staff by our teacher-organisers. It was fun, while it lasted, as we unravelled the clues and arrived at the various stations by careful deductions. Having many heads solved most of our problems as we successfully cleared seven stations out of ten, partook in the activities planned and spewed forth answers to questions posed at each station, tasted food, made designs with henna on our hands, donned/ helped don sarees and ‘veshti,’ drew the ‘kolam, etc. It was an afternoon of discovery and learning for most of us – an afternoon that showed us just how special, culture specific and different every race is, and yet just how alike we all are, regardless of our race divides, in the way we think, act, help one another and enjoy the activities we were all involved in, as we strove to make the efforts put into the Amazing Race by the School and our esteemed organisers meaningful and fruitful.
The group enjoyed most the dressing up in 2 different styles of dressing in sarees and veshtis (North Indian and South Indian). As you can see from the photos below there weren’t handsomer couples in Serangoon Road that day.
All the stations were interesting but one – the one near GGS Stationery – had us stumped. Imagine us singing in a group a Tamil nursery rhyme and using Tamil alphabets to form EVG’s values of Respect, Integrity, Commitment and Enterprise! With effort, we managed the former but the latter was beyond us.
The bridal design on Gladys’ right hand was magnificent. She wandered around with her right hand held high protectively. I wonder if she risked a bath that night!
Thank you Evergreen Secondary School for the experience!
The bridal design on Gladys’ right hand was magnificent. She wandered around with her right hand held high protectively. I wonder if she risked a bath that night!
Thank you Evergreen Secondary School for the experience!
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